After purchasing and downloading the theme files, you can install the theme via WordPress admin (preferred method) or by FTP by uploading the file.
Before installing, please make you have purchased and downloaded a copy of the install files.

Step 1: Navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.
Step 2: Click the ‘Add New’ button on top of the page, then the ‘Upload Theme’ button.
Step 3: Click ‘Choose File’ and find the theme file you downloaded.
Step 4: Once the file has uploaded, activate Avada by going to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Themes and click the Activate button.
Step 5: After you activate the theme, you will be redirected to a recommended plugins screen. Click and install the recommended plugins to quickly get started building your website.

The plugins are not required but recommended to improve the functionality and ensure all pages and content display properly when importing the demo content/styles.